I am so excited you have arrived here! My true passion is connection and helping others, and I strive to do that through demonstrating that with passion, energy, commitment and inspiration, you really can have it all in this life. I balance many roles and infuse energy into them all. I am a corporate executive at a Fortune 100 company, Pro WBFF Diva Fitness Competitor, fitness model, fitness and yoga instructor, healthy lifestyle coach, and travel junkie.
I feel blessed to have the opportunity to “pay it forward” by inspiring and motivating others, and hope to reach every one of you to support you to reach your goals.. Please connect with me to start pursuing your dreams today! Anything is possible if you want it.
Cheers ~ Rah
Costa Rica
Yoga For the Fitness Competitor - Issue 28 Press Release
One of top 10 MOST Fit Bodies! Photo by Sarah Lyons, PictureGroove.
Costa Rica
- Fridays 6amFridays 6amCalhoun Beach Athletic Club, 2925 Dean Pkwy, Minneapolis, MN 55416, USA